
I only got about fifteen minutes of tossing the disc around, but I perspired more today at the award ceremony than I would have playing a full-fledged game of ultimate. It wasn't too bad—I entertained myself by pissing of Charlie Cook (good-naturedly of course.) I also managed to beat Matt Potts at chess just before the ceremony. I'm upset that I only got two cookies, though. I got two awards: the general did-well-in-class award and the second-place-on-Earth-science-Regents award. All in all, I give the ceremony seven out ten thumbs up and six out of twenty thumbs down.

I can't believe that there are only two days of classes left. I also can't believe that I have so much damn work at the end of the year!

Guitar lesson at 7. Peace.

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This was written on Thursday, June 12, 2003 by Lenny.


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