Help me with an article

I am writing an article for the Sider Press, the Oceanside High School newspaper. The article is about the morning traffic problem. If you attend the school, please fill out these survey questions, and if you want to help me some more, please send me an instant message (Ldrhcp@AIM) and give me some quotables.

Some of these questions may not be applicable to you based on your answers to other questions. Please answer whichever questions apply to you as best you can.

  1. How do you get to school?
  2. Is there too much traffic coming to school?
  3. If it meant alleviating the traffc problem, would you take a bus to school instead of your current method of transportation?
  4. If you depend on somebody to bring you to school, do you think that they would rather have a bus available to you?
  5. Should all students outside a certain perimeter be offered transportation to school?
  6. Any other comments?
  7. May I quote you in the article?

Please leave your answers in a comment.

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This was written on Saturday, May 22, 2004 by Lenny.


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