Cruelty can be so funny

In a joint effort, Brian, Mark, Connor, and I gave Justin a run for his monkey. It all began in when Justin stupidly trusted us enough to leave his room. Something always happens, but this time instead of Brian or Mark being destructive, we decided to give Justin a friendly gift. The players:

The Visionary
Brian came up with the idea of Mark stripping for Justin.
The Photog
Connor was in charge of stealing Justin's camera-phone and snapping the pic.
The Techie
I was in charge of figuring out how to post the picture to Justin's moblog, and then to leave Justin a little note.
The Beefcake
Mark, in all his glory, without a shirt

The result: studly Mark on Justin's site and his wallpaper.

But the cruel part came yet: we ate his food while he was gone!

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This was written on Friday, June 04, 2004 by Lenny.


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