Orbit Melting: A Frank Discussion
Thursday, July 21, 2005
I am sometimes partial to chewing Orbit. A pack will typically last two weeks, spending much of that time in my pocket. Especially in the Summer months, it melts. I asked Brian how he copes with this, and his best advice was to change pockets, though he admitted that in the two to three days a pack stays in his pockets, it also melts. I mostly do not wear shirts with breast pockets, so until I become bored with the idea, my Summer goal has shifted from seeing This is Spinal Tap to designing and developing an insulated chewing gum wallet.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
May a pox fall upon the media that uses the -gate scandal naming convention to an extent such that I consider researching time travel to thwart Woodward and Bernstein's investigation.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Update: Apparently, nowhere too fast. The English are real tough.